Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association–New England/Boston (SAPA-NE)
Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association (SAPA) is a major US not-for-profit organization for pharmaceutical professionals with Chinese-heritage. Founded in 1993 and headquartered in the NJ/NY/CT tri-state area, SAPA grew rapidly and has become one of the most active and well-recognized Chinese-heritage enduring professional organizations in the United States. SAPA is an independent, not-for-profit organization with more than 6000 members in USA, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan united by a commitment to promoting pharmaceutical science and technology and their essential roles in fostering member's career development. SAPA's New England Chapter, SAPA-NE, aims to promote pharmaceutical exchanges and cooperation in both industry and academia between China and the USA and to assist career opportunities and development for our members in New England area. SAPA-NE currently has more than 2000 members, most have advanced degrees. SAPA publishes "SAPA Newsletter", organizes the annual conferences, and seminars/symposia on specific topics of scientific, technological, and professional development, hosts or co-hosts pharmaceutical forum in US and China.
新英格兰美中医药开发协会成立于1998年,是新英格兰地区华裔制药和生物技术专家的主要协会。 现有会员超过2000名,会员涵盖化学和生物制药产业及其他生命科学和医疗保健等所有领域。自创立已来,SAPA-NE的运作得到了跨国集团公司,多家中国大型医药产业和生物技术公司, 及众多志愿者的支持和协助。