PhysioCue, Inc.
PhysioCue, Inc. is a consumer digital health and therapy device development company located in the heart of Silicon Valley. We have developed an innovative, non-invasive approach to thermo-neuro-stimulation of the nervous system for immediate and sustainable hypertension reduction therapy management that includes our patented BP Bio-sensor (PPG & ECG) technology. PhysioCue's therapy devices are portable, rechargeable, efficient, safe and user-friendly, and they have none of the side effects associated with anti-hypertension drugs.
PhysioCue坐落在硅谷中心,是一所的数字医疗与治疗设备公司。其致力于使人们(特指高血压群体)的生命更健康、更长寿。 PhysioCue研发了一种全新、非侵入性的高血压管理技术(PPG& ECG),其结合了最新的生物传感器技术及心电图技术。该技术借助神经系统的热神经刺激,疗效迅速持久。 PhysioCue的治疗设备携带方便、可充电、安全、高效、好用,并且完全没有抗高血压药物等的副作用。